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What is pigment wettability?

27 Dec 2024

Indicator name: Pigment wettability

Other names: Wetting of a pigment surface, powder wettability, surface wettability, surface wetting

So What is pigment wettability?

Pigment wettability (Powder wettability) is the ability and stability of a pigment to spread in a liquid medium (e.g. oil, solvent, etc.). Or you can understand it as wetting of a pigment surface. In simpler terms, it describes the ability of the pigment particles to interact with the liquid medium. The wettability index also reflects the phenomenon of whether the pigment particles can be sufficiently wetted and dispersed by the liquid medium.

When the pigment particles are in contact with the liquid medium, if the surface of the pigment particles has good affinity with the liquid medium, then the liquid medium will penetrate between the pigment particles. Moreover, the liquid medium will cover the surface of the pigment particles and form a uniform film. This process, in our ink and coating industry, is also often called the pigment wettability process.

Pigment wettability is one of the most important indicators for all iSuoChem effect pigments. What does this indicator tell the customer?
What is pigment wettability

Pic# Common indicators of iSuoChem Pigment Technical data sheet(TDS): Pigment wettability

Pigment wettability has an important influence on pigment dispersion, coloring effect and coating performance. If the wettability of the pigment is good, then the pigment particles can be better dispersed in the liquid medium to form a uniform pigment dispersion. This not only improves the coloring and covering power of the pigment, but also improves the flow and adhesion of the coating, thus improving the overall performance of the coating.

The wettability of the pigment is mainly affected by the surface nature, shape and size of the pigment particles as well as the nature of the liquid medium. For example, the surface polarity, roughness and chemical composition of the pigment particles affect their ability to interact with the liquid medium. And the polarity, viscosity and surface tension of the liquid medium will also affect its infiltration effect on the pigment particles.

We are often asked by new customers in the coating industry how to improve the wettability of pigments. We generally suggest that: the wettability of pigment can be improved by adjusting the surface treatment of pigment particles, choosing suitable liquid medium and optimizing the dispersion process, so as to improve the quality and performance of coatings.


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