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Screen prniting is a printing technique where the ink is forced through the openings of a web, by a flexible rubber, or synhetic blade onto a supported substrate. The flatbed printing process uses a frame, covered with the web, which functions as image carrier. A squeegee, running within the frame presses the ink through the web onto the substrate.
For pearl luster pigment applications in screen printing, monofilament fabrics arerecommended, as these have less of a tendency to clog with pigment particles than multifilament fabrics. Consideration must be given to the appropriate mesh size, depending on the chosen pigment type and size. The mesh size should be 1.5 to2.5times larger than the maximum pigment particle size. In the case of a pearl lusterpigment with a particle size distribution of 10 to 60 um, the mesh size should be60um* (1.5 to 2.5)= 90 to 150 um. Also, screen fabric conditioning processessuch as calendaring, as well as the fineness of the fabric filament (former S, M,Tor HD, today the exact filament thickness is stated) are important for print downquality. Both parameters infuence ink and pigment transfer as well as the volumeof ink transferred. The pigment, substrate, ink, fabric type and filigree must all beproperly matched to the print job.
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